In this section, in accordance with the new European legislation introduced by the EU Regulation 679/2016 and with the Italian legislation (Legislative Decree no. 196/2003), information is provided regarding the processing of personal data of users who consult the pages of the website www.tigermedia.it (hereinafter: "Site") or who use the services made available on the same.

The information is provided exclusively for the Site and not also for the other websites that may be consulted by the user through links within the Site.

Data Controller

The Data Controller of the personal data of users of the Site www.tigermedia.it is TigerMedia e-mail: tigermedia.agency@gmail.com


A - Type of data processed

Identifying data
In accordance with the new European legislation introduced by the EU Regulation 679/2016 and with the Italian legislation (Legislative Decree no. 196/2003), the consultation of the Site and the possible purchase of products sold on the Site, may involve the processing of data that can directly or indirectly identify a natural person such as: first name, last name, residential address, e-mail address, telephone number, IP address.

The Site does not require the Interested Party to provide so-called "special" data, i.e., in accordance with the GDPR (art. 9), personal data revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or trade union membership, as well as genetic data, biometric data intended to uniquely identify a natural person, data relating to the person's health or sexual life or sexual orientation. In the event that the service requested requires the processing of such data, the Data Subject will receive appropriate information in advance and will be asked to give explicit consent.

Banking data
By purchasing products on the Site, bank data will also be processed, such as the number of the card or bank account indicated to make the payment, cardholder and bank account holder.

III. Browsing Data

Browsing data are data automatically acquired by the systems and programs responsible for the operation of the Site and are necessary for the use of web services [e.g. IP addresses, browsers used, domain names of the systems used by users to connect to the web portal, the URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) notation addresses of the requested resources, the time of the request, the method used in submitting the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in response, the numerical code indicating the status of the response given by the server (successful, error, etc.) and other parameters relating to the user's operating system and computer environment].

These data are acquired even in the absence of registration to the Site or request for information.

Browsing data are used only in an aggregate manner to process anonymous statistics on the consultation of the Site and to check its proper functioning and do not allow the identification of the users concerned, being, moreover, deleted immediately after processing in an anonymous form.

They can, however, be used to ascertain responsibility in case of computer crimes committed against the Website.

Data provided voluntarily by the user
Personal data provided voluntarily by the User (such as name, surname, e-mail address) for the purpose of sending messages to the Website and/or purchasing the products made available, are used for the sole purpose of responding to the needs of the interested party and to comply with legal obligations.

The legal basis for such processing is the fulfillment of services inherent to the requests made and purchases made, as well as compliance with legal obligations.

The information that the User of the Site will deem to be made public through the services and tools made available to the same, is provided by the User knowingly and voluntarily, exempting the Site from any liability regarding possible violations of laws.

It is up to the User to verify that he/she has permissions to enter personal data of third parties or content protected by national and international regulations.

Data collected through analytical cookies
The Site also acquires data about the User through the use of cookies.

For more information about the data processed through cookies, the types of cookies that are active and how to disable them, please refer to the cookie policy.

Such cookies are used to track the user's browsing preferences and to collect statistical data. Users can disable these cookies by accessing their browser settings, as indicated in the Site's cookie policy.


B - Purpose of processing.

The personal data collected are used to:

enable the sending of products divided into packages purchased by the User;
derive anonymous statistical information on the use of the web portal;
to monitor the proper functioning of the web portal;
sending communications and responses as a result of requests for information from the User;
ascertaining responsibility in the event of hypothetical computer crimes against the web portal;
compliance with any other legal obligation not included in the previous purposes.
The communication of data may be made only following a request by the Judicial Authority within the terms of the law.


C - Legal basis for processing

Execution of a contract
Legal basis for the processing of personal data is the performance of the services inherent in the relationship established with the purchase of packages, the signing of the Terms and Conditions, compliance with legal obligations and the legitimate interest of the Site to carry out processing necessary for these purposes.

Consent of the data subject
The optional, explicit and voluntary sending of electronic mail, messages or any type of communication addressed to the addresses indicated on this Site entails the subsequent acquisition of the sender's address, telephone number or any other personal data that will be used to respond to requests. Such processing takes place on the basis of the consent of the person concerned.

It is ensured that such processing will be based on the principles of lawfulness, fairness, transparency, appropriateness, relevance and necessity referred to in Article 5(1) of the GDPR. Specific summary disclosures will be progressively reported or displayed on the pages of the sites set up for particular on-demand services.

III. Fulfillment of legal obligations

The processing of personal data may take place without the consent of the data subject in case the Data Controller needs to fulfill a legal obligation.

Optional provision of data
Apart from what is specified for the fulfillment of contract or legal obligations, for cookies and navigation data, the user is free to provide or not to provide his/her personal data. However, failure to provide data may result in the inability to obtain as much as the performance of the service.


D - Method and duration of processing

Personal data are processed through computerized tools and in accordance with EU Regulation No. 679/2016 and Legislative Decree No. 196/2003.

The storage of the processed data will last for the time necessary for the purposes described in this information and, therefore, for the minimum time necessary or until an explicit request by the interested party and in any case in compliance with the time limits imposed by law.

The Data Controller undertakes to take all appropriate security measures to prevent the loss and alteration of personal data, as well as any illicit and unauthorized use of the same.

The data will be processed exclusively by individuals authorized by the Data Controller, including any data processors, representatives and public entities for the fulfillment of obligations required by law, who carry out their respective processing activities as autonomous data controllers.

Subjects authorized by the Data Controller who may process data include, by way of example: commercial and legal department collaborators, as well as third-party technical service providers, hosting providers and IT companies (this list is not to be considered exhaustive). The processed data will not, however, be disseminated to unspecified recipients.

Finally, the data may also be managed by third-party companies.

The security of the information collected cannot be guaranteed by hacker attacks and, in general, by violations of the security standards put in place for data protection.

In case of attacks or breaches, however, the same will be communicated to the data subjects and competent authorities according to the law.


E - Place of processing

Processing related to web portal services is carried out by identified and expressly designated personnel according to the specific purposes of the services requested and subscribed to.

For the processing in question, the Data Controller may use the help of external companies, consultants, consortia, software and service providers operating, through identified and appointed personnel, within the scope of the intended purposes and in such a way as to ensure maximum security and confidentiality of the data. In other cases, the personal data collected will not be disclosed to third parties, except with the express consent of the data subject, except in cases where disclosure to third parties is necessary to fulfill obligations imposed by laws, regulations or measures of supervisory authorities, or is essential to protect the rights of other users or the website itself.

Personal data will be processed and stored, solely for the purposes stated above and to keep and store them securely, on remote servers operated by industry-leading providers that ensure compliance with high standards of protection regarding the processing of personal data.

This may involve the transfer of data to countries outside the EU, where all or part of these servers may be based.

In particular, personal data may be transferred outside the European Union to the company "Shopify" (https://it.shopify.com/ and https://it.shopify.com/legal/privacy), an e-commerce plug-in used by the Site operated by the Data Controller.

The processing and storage of data by the aforementioned provider will take place to a third country that is "adequate" within the meaning of the decision taken by the European Commission, of which in particular the decision for the adequacy of the protection provided by the Canadian Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act or Privacy Shield certification (USA), or on the basis of a contractual bond or standard contractual clauses approved by the European Commission, or binding corporate rules approved through the specific procedure of Article 47 GDPR.

For data transfer to non-EU countries, as a rule, there is no need to wait for national authorization from the Garante. However, authorization from the Supervisor will still be required if a data controller wishes to use specific contractual clauses that have not been recognized as adequate through a decision of the European Commission or administrative agreements concluded between public authorities.

F - Rights of data subjects

In constancy of processing, the data subject may exercise, at any time, the following rights:

to obtain confirmation of the existence or otherwise of the same data and, if so, to know their content and origin;
verify its accuracy request the correction of inaccurate data, the integration of incomplete data or the updating of outdated data;
obtain the limitation of processing, where one of the hypotheses provided for in Article 18 GDPR applies;
request the cancellation of data processed in violation of the law, or in the presence of one of the other conditions provided for in Article 17, paragraph 1, letters a), b), c), e) and f) GDPR;
to object in any case, for legitimate reasons, to their processing, or to object to the processing in the other cases provided for in Article 21, paragraphs 2 and 3 and 22 GDPR;
to revoke at any time their freely given consent to the processing of personal data for the purposes specified below;
to obtain the release of the personal data being processed in a format compatible with standard computer applications, in order to allow its transfer to other platforms of your choice, without impediments to the direct transmission of the processed data to another Data Controller, where such direct transmission is technically feasible (so-called right to data portability).
Requests regarding the exercise of the aforementioned rights, should be addressed to the Data Controller by e-mail (tigermedia.agency@gmail.com).

In the event of failure or partial response from the Data Controller to the aforementioned requests, the data subject shall have the right to lodge a complaint with the Guarantor for the Protection of Personal Data (www.tigermedia.it] or judicial recourse within the terms and according to the procedures provided for under Articles 77 et seq. EU Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR).

G - Updates to the policy

Future regulatory updates may lead to the modification of the current disclosure, uploaded on the Site on 04.12.2020.

In the event of a change, the Owner will give notice on the Site.



Cookies are small text files that are stored on the user's device when the user browses certain websites through the use of their preferred browser and are stored in the browser's file directory. They are used by server-side web applications to store and retrieve client-side information.

Cookies are distinguished into "technical," "analytical," and "profiling" cookies. In turn, then, cookies can be divided into "first-party" and "third-party" cookies .

The use of cookies and related technologies by the Site takes place in accordance with national and European legislation, as well as in compliance with the Provision of May 8, 2014, entitled "Identification of the simplified procedures for information and acquisition of consent for the use of cookies" of the Italian Privacy Guarantor.

The Site is hosted by the platform owned by Shopify,inc, for more details about the cookies used by that platform and to disable them, please refer to the following link: https://it.shopify.com/legal/privacy .

The Site uses the following cookies:

Technical Cookies.
The main purpose of technical cookies is to make it easier to navigate the Site. Almost all browsers are set to accept cookies, however the user can independently change the configuration of their browser or make use of specific add-ons and block them: in this case, the enjoyment of the web portal and the use of certain services may be limited.

Technical cookies are distinguished in turn into "session" and "persistent" cookies: both are stored on the user's device but the former are deleted when the browser is closed, while the latter remain stored until they expire.

The Site uses technical "session" cookies for the operation of navigation within the pages, such as allowing authentication to restricted areas or storing temporary user preferences; these cookies are deleted once the browser is closed.

The use of session cookies (which, in any case, are not stored persistently on the user's computer and are deleted automatically as soon as the browser is closed) is strictly limited to the purpose of transmitting data (consisting of random numbers generated by the server) that identify the specific session and are necessary to enable safe and efficient exploration.

The Site in some cases also uses "persistent" technical cookies to store user choices related to, for example, language or device type.

Persistent cookies are stored on users' devices between distinct browser sessions and allow the user's actions on a site to be remembered. Persistent cookies can be used for a variety of purposes, including remembering user preferences (e.g., site language) when using a site.

Analytical Cookies.

These cookies are used to track user browsing preferences and to collect statistical data anonymously.

The Site only uses third-party Analytical cookies from other websites.

Users can disable these cookies by accessing their browser settings.

Please refer to the links for individual browsers:

Internet Explorer: https://support.microsoft.com/it-it/help/17442/windows-internet-explorer-delete-manage-cookies ;
Firefox: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/enable-and-disable-cookies-website-preferences?redirect=no;
Safari: https://www.apple.com/legal/privacy/it/;
Chrome: https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/61416?co=GENIE.Platform%3DDesktop&hl=en;
Opera: https://blogs.opera.com/news/2015/08/how-to-manage-cookies-in-opera/

In addition, it is possible to disable cookies on websites by downloading special software (such as Ghostery http://www.ghostery.com) or activate the "anonymous browsing" mode: this is a function that allows you to browse without leaving a trace of your browsing data in the browser. This function only allows you not to keep your browsing data in the browser.

Analytical Cookies used by the Site

Please note that the Site uses the following analytical services to obtain statistical data in relation to the use of the website:

Analytics service provided by the company BugSnag Inc. https://docs.bugsnag.com/legal/privacy-policy/
"Google Analytics" provided by the company Google Inc. In this case, the personal data that is collected is stored by Google as the autonomous owner of the relevant processing.
For more information see https://support.google.com/analytics/topic/2919631?hl=it&ref_topic=1008008

Social network plug-in cookies

The Site may also use third-party social network plug-in cookies in order to allow you to share content on different social networks. They allow the user to interact via social networks (e.g., share function on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube or LinkedIn). These cookies can be turned off via your browser options (see links above).

Social network cookies are not necessary for browsing. For more information on the Social Networks' cookie use policies, you can consult their respective privacy and cookie policies:

Facebook: https://it-it.facebook.com/about/privacy/

Google: http://www.google.com/intl/it/policies/privacy/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/it/privacy

Instagram: https://help.instagram.com/1896641480634370?ref=ig

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/legal/cookie-policy

ShareThis: https://sharethis.com/privacy/#sthash.oNiQUPLd.dpbs

YouTube: https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/7671399?p=privacy_guidelines&hl=it

Third-party profiling cookies only.

Profiling cookies are used to track the user's browsing and create a profile of the user based on their behavior, which can then be used to send advertising messages to the user's device. Third-party profiling cookies are cookies from other websites or advertising circuits (Google AdSense, etc.) that can be sent to the user's device as a result of browsing the Site.

Facebook Pixel

The Facebook Pixel is a service of FacebookInc. 1601 S. California Ave., Palo Alto, CA 94204, USA ("Facebook"), which enables tracking of user behavior after clicking on a Facebook ad and routing to the respective operator's website. Conversion measurement allows measuring, analyzing and optimizing the effectiveness of Facebook ads for statistical and market research purposes. The data collected on the Site, with the use of the Conversion Pixel, does not allow the Site any conclusions about the identity of the user. The collected data (e.g., the IP address of the respective user) is transmitted through the Conversion Pixel, and Facebook stores and processes the data for conversion measurement purposes. The Site receives anonymous reports from Facebook, and these reports do not contain any reference about the identity of the respective users. However, it cannot be excluded that Facebook will link to the user data transmitted through the Site, other related individual user data (e.g., user information from a Facebook account) or that Facebook will use the information for its own purposes.

The Visitor Monitoring Pixel is a service of a third-party company (Facebook), and the Site cannot control or influence the data processing operations of a third-party company. You can learn about Facebook's privacy policy here https://www.facebook.com/about/privacy.

Facebook, as well as its partners, allow online advertising to be placed both within and outside of Facebook's web space. For this intent it may also be possible for a cookie to be stored on the user's personal computer.

To declare your consent for the use of the Pixel conversion, you must be over 13 years of age. You hereby declare that you are of age for such consent, or that you have been asked by a parent or guardian(s), legal guardian(s) who have decided to give their consent for the Declaration of Consent in advance.

You may withdraw your consent for the use of the conversion measure at any time. For this purpose, please feel free to use the following link: https://www.facebook.com/ads/website_custom_audiences/.

Alternatively, you may also opt out of the use of corresponding cookies by disabling the use of cookies by third-party vendors by invoking the Network Advertising Initiative's opt-out page:


and selecting the appropriate settings through the measures offered there.

Finally, we caution that Users may consult the following sites from YourOnlineChoices (EU), Network Advertising Initiative (US) and Digital Advertising Alliance (US), DAAC (Canada) in order to understand and manage the tracking preferences of most advertisements.

*This Website is not a part of Facebook or Facebook Inc. Additionally, this site is NOT endorsed by Facebook in any way.

FACEBOOK is a trademark of FACEBOOK Inc.
This site is not part of Facebook or Facebook Inc. Additionally, this site is NOT endorsed by Facebook in any way.
FACEBOOK is a registered trademark of FACEBOOK, Inc.
TigerMedia is not sponsored or certified by Instagram™. All logos or trademarks shown on this website are the property of Instagram.
All logos or trademarks shown on this website are the property of Instagram. The use of this as well as other growth tools is against the rules of Instagram.


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